On July 14th, I gave my talk Entity Framework Core Hidden Gems at .NET Community Austria. Speaking online at the biggest .NET User Group in Austria was an excellent opportunity to share my passion for the topic with a broader audience. It was also a good opportunity to polish the talk a bit further and to extend the examples. The version of the talk presented at our Meetup in Graz in March was the 0.8.0. It means there was still some fine tuning that I wanted to do, mostly to extend the examples.

The version given at the .NET Community Austria is versioned as 0.9.0. The biggest difference to 0.8.0 given in Graz are additional examples for EF Core Value Conversions.

The talk was streamed online and will soon be available on .NET Community Austria YouTube channel.

The handouts presentation stayed the same and is available for viewing and download on SlideShare and Speaker Deck.

The complete sample source code used in the talk is available on GitHub.

A big thanks to .NET Community Austria organizers and to everyone who virtually attended the Meetup!